The RW girls volleyball game that was scheduled for Thursday, 8/26 @ United has now been moved to Tuesday, 8/24 @ United. The freshmen game will start at 5:00.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Football COVID Outbreak ALL CALL The Knox County Health Department has discovered a COVID-19 outbreak within our varsity football program. Varsity football activities have been paused and individuals needing to quarantine are being contacted by the health department. Please monitor your child for COVID-19 related symptoms and contact the high school office if symptoms occur. Symptoms from Illinois Department of Public Health Fever (100.4°F or higher) New onset of moderate to severe headache Shortness of breath New cough Sore throat Vomiting Diarrhea, New loss of sense of taste or smell Fatigue from unknown cause Muscle or body aches from unknown cause At this time, the R-W Community Night for August 20, 2021, will be cancelled. Please continue to be vigilant as we move toward the start of the 2021-2022 School Year. Sincerely, Joe Sornberger
over 3 years ago, Joe Sornberger
The JH baseball and softball games for today have been canceled. Baseball will still practice in Oneida. Softball will not practice today.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
We are in need of a scoreboard operator and play clock operator for our 4 home varisty football games. The dates are: 9/3, 9/17, 10/1 and 10/22. We will pay $25 a game for both positions. Please contact if you are interested.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Reminder to parents: ALL students will receive free meals during the 2021-22 school year. This includes breakfast and lunch.
over 3 years ago, Julie Storm
RW JH softball is off to a great start! 5-1 on the season so far after 1 week of games. Great job by the coaches and players!
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Backpack night and 7th grade orientation will be moved to August 19th. #rowvastrong
over 3 years ago, Admin
Please see the following update from Superintendent Sornberger:
over 3 years ago, Admin
School supplies will be provided to all Victoria students k-12. Pick up will be on Thursday August 5th at the Victoria United Methodist Church from 9-11 a.m. (please note this is a time change from previous announcements). If you are unable to pick up during this time you can contact Sarah Hilman to arrange another time.
over 3 years ago, Brittney Sallee
Good afternoon. I am aware of the mandate from Governor Pritzker today. We will still be meeting tomorrow to put together a plan and communicate that plan. I have not had a chance to talk to the committee yet, but I wanted to update the community and let you know that my goal will be to communicate a plan or another update tomorrow. Superintendent Sornberger
over 3 years ago, Admin
We are looking to sell the old flooring from our weight room. They are 4’x6’ rubber stall mats. Asking $20 a peice. There are 30 of them total. Must be able to pick up by this Thursday. Contact if interested in purchasing!
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Stall mat
We are looking to sell two sets of metal plates. One set is a total of 515 pounds. Asking $400. The other set is a total of 325 pounds. Asking $250. Must be able to pick up by this Thursday. Please contact if interested in purchasing!
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
We are looking to sell this double sided squat rack from our old weight room. Asking $500 for it. Must be able to come pick up by this Thursday. Contact if interested in purchasing!
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
We are looking to sell old weight room bumper plates (pictures attached) 45 lb set = $90 each 35 lb set = $70 25 lb set = $ 50 each 15 lb set = $20 Contact if interested in purchasing. Must be picked up by this Wednesday!
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
I am sure many of you have been anxiously awaiting a plan from the district. Every time we begin to put together a plan, new guidelines come out! I have met with students and teachers, talked with lawyers, had conversations with with the health department, talked to area superintendents, and read through the community survey. My hope is that next week will provide some clarity for us to begin to put together a plan. The committee will be meeting next Thursday, and while we may not have a plan that day, I will send another update. In the meantime, I will be continuing to speak to as many people as possible. I am frustrated with our lack of a plan so close to the start of school, but I want to make sure that we are doing everything to give our students the best opportunity to learn and stay safe. Everyone has been so supportive and patient as we go through this process. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the best community out there. I will be in touch soon, Superintendent Sornberger
over 3 years ago, Admin
Please fill out this from regarding your plans for busing this year. We are organizing routes to get ready for the new year! #rowvastrong
over 3 years ago, Admin
JH softball practice for today has been canceled due to wet field conditions.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Practice for HS volleyball begins August 9. Any girl interested in playing needs to email Coach Borkgren at by THIS FRIDAY (July 23) so we have an idea of how many uniforms to order for the season. Detailed information about practice will come soon.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Any incoming 5th-8th grader that is interested in playing JH softball, the first day of practice is Monday, July 26th at 4:00 PM at the softball field in Oneida. This will be a ROWVA-Williamsfield Cougars co-op sport. The head coach will be Beau Burnett.
over 3 years ago, Grant Gullstrand
Altona parents of ROWVA PreK-6th grade students: Ransom Memorial Public Library and local churches, businesses, and organizations have graciously provided school supplies for each Altona student. Pick up will be from 5-6:30 PM on Thursday, August 5th and Saturday, August 7th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Call the library with questions at 484-6193.
over 3 years ago, Brittney Sallee