We have updated the Return to School flowchart to reflect the latest changes from ISBE guidance. Things to note:
1. If a student is symptomatic, they need a doctor's note with an alternative diagnosis to return to school before the 10-day minimum.
2. Contact Tracing: Only those in close contact (within 6 ft for 15 minutes or more) with a COVID-19 positive case need to quarantine.
Please use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to send your child each day. Remember, there is no attendance policy, so if you believe it is in the best interest of your student or those in the school community, please keep your child home.
Attention Parents:
Children who are bringing lunches from home need to bring their drink with them. If you have questions, please email Julie at jstorm@rowva.k12.il.us or call her at the District Office.
Girls golf match tomorrow at Oak Run. Tee time is 4:00. Go Cougars! ⛳️
JHSB home opener tomorrow at 4:30 vs Williamsfield. Good luck, Lady Tigers! 🥎
The concession stand and bathrooms will not be open. Bring a lawn chair and practice social distancing, please.
Junior High Students- Please watch this introduction video.
Also, this link will lead you to resources for any remote learning.
Elementary students can bring school supplies over the span of next week so they don't have to haul it all in the first day. Please be sure your student(s) have a cloth face covering (no bandanas or gaitor masks). We look forward to having everyone return to school on Monday!
Please watch the following procedure videos with your students if they are returning face-to-face on Monday!
Elementary: https://youtu.be/LO6MdLxEafw
7-12: https://youtu.be/UJKw3-sYyKE
According to recent science & studies, gaiter style & bandana style facemasks are listed as ineffective face coverings. As a result of this new information, this type of face covering will not be allowed at school. As mentioned above, these studies are new & we wanted to share this information with you prior to Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
All junior high and high school students should make sure to check their schedules on TeacherEase and follow that on Monday. This is the most up-to-date schedule. This will help us to avoid confusion about where you should be going. Thank you!
If your child opts to receive school breakfast and/or lunch, they will receive a grab and go bag. A weekly menu will be posted on TeacherEase. We will only be posting them weekly due to supply/demand issues. Please check the menu daily as it is subject to change. If you have any questions, please contact Julie by email jstorm@rowva.k12.il.us or by calling the District Office (309) 483-3711.
ATTN Parents of bus riders: We are requiring that a parent be present when students are pick up in the morning.
Boys and girls golf match today at Oak Run, tees off at 4:00. Good luck, Cougars! ⛳️
JH baseball and softball both have their season openers today at Annawan. Both games start at 4:30. Go Tigers!
ALL ROWVA District students who opted for remote learning for the first quarter need to pick up their learning materials from their school either tomorrow or Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. When you arrive at your school please ring the intercom for assistance! Thank you!
6th grade band members (in person instruction) WILL have band on Monday, however, students will NOT need to bring instruments to school that day. For remote learners: There is a note from Ms. Baity with information for you included with your learning materials which can be picked up at the elementary school tomorrow or Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Boys and girls golf is at Oak Run today!! 4:00 start with the bus leaving the RHS lot at 3:00. Go Cougars!
If your elementary remote learner needs a Chromebook please let Mrs. Danner know by e-mailing her at kdanner@rowva.k12.il.us. Also, Preschoolers will NOT get a Chromebook.
ROWVA Elementary Remote Learners can pick up their Chromebooks and learning materials on either Thursday or Friday this week from 7:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. Please pull up to the front of the school and ring the intercom and someone will assist you.
Golf at Valley View today! Bus leaves at 3:00 from the RHS lot. Go Cougars!
Good Afternoon!
Students who have opted into remote learning for the 1st quarter can pick up textbooks, materials & necessary supplies on Thursday 8/20 or Friday 8/21 in the office of the appropriate building from 8 am-3 pm. Please wear a mask upon entering the building. Elementary remote learners, please contact Mrs. Danner if you are interested in checking out a Chromebook. If you have any questions please call the appropriate building or email Mrs. Danner (kdanner@rowva.k12.il.us) or Mr. Seaney (aseaney@rowva.k12.il.us) #rowvastrong
We will be offering lunches to all children who will be remote learning. If your child is remote and you would like them to receive a school lunch, please contact Julie Storm at jstorm@rowva.k12.il.us or call the District Office at 309-483-3711.
Students, in school or remote, will receive a bag lunch. A menu will be posted, but please know that it is subject to change. There are a large number of schools offering bag meals and distributors are struggling to meet the demand. Also, meals may include a few extras than what is listed on the menu. Please bare with us as we work our way through this. If you have any questions, please contact Julie.
To the ROWVA CUSD 208 Community
Since April, the administration and Future Ready team have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year. Although this is the case, there are still a few items that are not in place that I feel are vital to opening safely. In order to give these items time to arrive, we will be utilizing two more of our allotted remote learning preparation days to start the school year. These will count as attendance days, so we will not be making them up at the end of the year. Our first day of student attendance will now be Monday, August 24th.
I apologize for the inconvenience this causes everyone, but I want to make sure that all of our safety precautions are in place before we bring our students back into the building. If you have any questions, please contact the district office 309-483-3711 with concerns.
Superintendent Sornberger